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Leading Edge Technology




Case Management Software

"We handle all of the admin details involved with medical-legal work so you can concentrate solely on the evaluations and reports."


Become A Qualified Medical Evaluator
How to Become a QME?
Our Educational Programs
Your Office Locations​


Our aim is to first understand you, as our physician client, your needs and wants when it comes to where you will be conducting your Exams. We consider all pertinent variables including where you are domiciled, your work schedule and of course the drive times you are comfortable with for your appointments. Each physician is allowed up to 10 offices and will take into consideration the number of cases and the number of physicians in your specialty to optimize your experience and your income potential as a QME. 

Exam Scheduling

We will set up and coordinate every Exam appointment for you! We work with each of our physicians to determine their unique schedules and times they are available to conduct their exams. We take careful consideration to every detail including specific office locations, traffic patterns, injured workers, interpreters if required and any all documentation needed.

Medical Records​

Rest assured that these vital documents will be reviewed by our  concierge assistant first to insure they are complete, will be fully digitized and loaded for you for easy access and study in plenty of time to analyze in order to complete your report in the allowed time. 

Confirmation Letter​


Your concierge assistant will send the letter to the claimant with the date, time and location along with any detailed directions and parking information. We got that box checked, done!

Historian at Your Service​

As we strive to save you precious time and increased efficiency, we have your own Historian, who will assist in obtaining the history from the injured worker saving you invaluable time.

Dictation & Transcription​

Our service is second to none and will be expedited to you to maximize your time to write your report.

Report Writing Service​

Our wraparound team for you is not complete without our veteran Editors skilled and experts in med-legal reports for all specialties. You will be assigned one to work closely with you to educate you, review and edit your reports. These experts will not only teach you how to write excellent, quality reports but assist in coding and maintaining our physicians and MEMSCO’s impeccable reputation on all sides of the aisle.

Billing and Collection Services


Our Founder Mark Brown has over 35 years in medical billing and collection services experience. Rest assured that Memsco’s provider payment automation and overall management will get you, our physicians, their reimbursement in full and expedited.

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